Financial Planning Packages

Financial Planning Packages

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Having an expert to manage your financial affairs with ongoing behavioural finance support and active management is an important part of your financial journey. Our advisers will help you protect your assets against downside risk, take advantage of any market volatility and adapt to changing legislations, whilst making sure you remain on target to achieve your long-term goals and aspirations. Above all, our advisers will ensure that future financial recommendations are tailored to your individual needs and circumstances.

An Ongoing Adviser Service package can include the following:

Financial Planner & Support Staff Access

Ability to contact your adviser and their support staff without additional meeting and implementation costs.

Strategic Review (Full Financial Position Review) 

Review of your financial position and any lifestyle changes to ensure our initial advice is still in line with your goals and objectives as they may change throughout your life.

Portfolio Reviews 

Review of your portfolio to ensure the underlying investments continue to be invested in accordance with your risk profile and have the potential to deliver according to your expectations. This may include rebalancing your portfolio and making tactical investment changes within your super, pension or personal accounts based on changing market conditions.

Superannuation Acceleration Review 

Ensures you are implementing the most beneficial super strategies before the end of the financial year.

Cashflow Management 

Review of your cashflow income and expenses and ongoing updates of your cashflow management allocations calculator.

SMSF Service Needs

Additional support required to help you run and maintain a compliant SMSF as well as ongoing communication with the SMSF accountants and lawyers as necessary.

Centrelink Update

Ongoing administration assistance to help you meet your Centrelink reporting obligations and help provide required information to Service Australia aligning your details to their reporting standards so your entitlements can be maintained where possible. Working alongside you we will provide updated information direct to Centrelink at your request saving you the stress and difficulty of navigating the social security system.

Investment of excess capital

Investment of any accumulated cash or future lump sum monies received.

Behavioural financial coaching and continual ongoing support

The ability to contact your adviser as required to discuss your financial needs. As well as the ability for your adviser to contact you so they can provide you with proactive advice in the event of changing legislation and market conditions that may have an impact on you.

Annual tax time statement coordination 

Collection of any personal investment statements at tax time to ensure you can complete your annual tax return in a timely manner. This can only be done on accounts that your adviser is the registered adviser of.

Future Statement of Advice (SoA) Included 

A Statement of Advice is required to be completed when additional or new advice is required that isn’t included in your original Statement of Advice (SoA).

Auxiliary benefits

Referrals to other professionals as required (legal, accounting, lending, general insurance etc.), liaising with other professionals on your behalf including Accountant and Lawyers, and newsletters and/or market updates.

The above ongoing adviser packages must be accompanied by a Statement of Advice (SoA) report which outlines all your recommendations in detail.